Welcome to lotekipapillons.com! Located in Solon, Iowa, Loteki (pronounced low-tea-key) Papillons has been in existence since 1978. Our online presence, however, is a new venture, making its debut in the fall of 2004.  It is our hope that through this website, we might share some of the Loteki philosophy and history with our visitors.

My husband, Terry, and I share our home, pictured here,  with our Papillons. We have two married daughters, Stephanie and Danielle, and two grandchildren, Adam and Trinity. Terry and I are very fortunate to have them all living nearby. Both my children and my grandchildren have all grown up with the Papillons so it truly has been a family affair.  Plus, the grandkids are wonderful help to me when socializing puppies! You will see pictures of all of them scattered throughout this website. 

For me, my involvement with dogs in general and Papillons in particular, has always been a deeply personal experience. If you care to read about how I came to the point I am today, click HERE.

---Lou Ann King





Copyright © 2004-2006 Loteki Papillons

Loteki Website Hits Since 12/01/2004